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Parent Consultation for You and Your Family

Our consultants will work with you and your family to tailor a plan that fits your parenting approach and individual needs. With expertise in child development and behavior analysis, we take a comprehensive approach to help you feel confident in supporting your child's needs.

O U R  A P P R O A C H

Finding What Works

Our consultant will gather information about your family and the aspects of parenting that are challenging. You’ll receive a treatment plan that is individualized to your family’s specific needs. You’ll have an in-person or virtual consultation to review the treatment plan, ask questions, and talk through any concerns or unique situations. 


Of primary importance is your parenting style. We want to ensure support we provide fits in with your lifestyle and is a plan you're comfortable carrying out. We take into consideration cultural differences of our clients, different routines, as well as different approaches to parenting. It's important that you're open with your consultant so they can build a plan that best fits your needs!

Happy Family

N E X T  S T E P S

Where Do I Start?

If you're ready to get started, send us an email to let us know a little more about you & your child's needs. 

Contact Us


(DC, Maryland, Virginia)

New England

(MA, RI, CT, NH, ME, VT)

Tel: 240-292-1719

Fax: 240-621-1770


Tel: 401-305-0602

Fax: 617-397-7659




Tel: 304-919-2843

Fax: 304-244-4417



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© 2024 by The Language and Behavior Center (TLBC)

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